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February 19, 2010

Censorship And Cabela's

As many of you already know,  we have been asking people from all across America to sign our petition letting Cabela's know that their sponsorship  of "predator derbies" in Idaho was unsportsmanlike and irresponsible. We have received an overwhelming response and have over 200,000 signatures to date! 

Unfortunately, we've encountered some obstacles while trying get the attention of Cabela's in order to show them that the sponsorship of predator derbies (the proceeds of which went directly to support anti-wolf litigation) is irresponsible and wrong.

After the Sidney Sun-Telegraph (the local newspaper where Cabela’s headquarters is located) refused to run our ad, many of you suggested we take out an ad in Nebraska’s biggest paper, the Omaha World Herald (good idea, guys) – but they refused it, too.

And just minutes ago, the Kearney Hub (where one of Cabela’s biggest stores is located) told us that “after looking over the content of your ad, we will not be running this in our newspaper.”

We won’t stand for censorship when it comes to protecting wolves from slaughter. And we hope you’ll stand with us.

Many of you have taken matters into your own hands. - from phone calls, to emails , to returning merchandise to holding a rally. In fact, one of our supporters named Bob G. from Maine read about the derbies on the Defenders of Wildlife website is holding a rally outside of the Portland Cabela's store tomorrow at 11am.

Thanks to your support, we’re still intending to run our hard-hitting ad in the Kearney in the Lincoln Journal-Star on Wednesday, February 24th.


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Sandra E. Miller

Dear Mr. Schlickeinsen:
I have just received your latest email about saving the reintroduced wolves in the West from competitive contests to shoot them on sight. I have signed your petition. You have now asked for $5.00 per month. I still have my Wolf Adoption Certificate of many years ago posted on my bulletin board. I recognize wolves as an important predator, necessary to control the growth of wild populations. Unfortunately, agricultural interests (cattlemen and sheep men)in the West dominate the western landscape and do not agree.
I have been working with Cloud Foundation to help save the wild horses and burros that were assigned to the Public Lands in 1971 in 10 western states from total destruction by the DOI/BLM. For some reason that I do NOT understand, wildlife organizations (for example, the Sierra Club of Nevada) refuse to recognize these animals as wild and extend to them the same activism they give to other wildlife.
I have been a supporter of wildlife all my life. Right now the Giant Canada geese
in my suburban neighborhood are arguing over nesting areas in my backyard. Would you trust my judgment and at least look into the issue of saving the wild horses and burros of the West from total annihilation under the management of the BLM? If you will look into this matter and consider supporting the existence of the wild horses and burros on our Public Lands, where they legally belong but where they are being managed to extinction by the BLM, I will pledge to you a lump sum of 1 year of $5.00 a month, or $60.00, for your wolf campaign. The wild horses and burros must come under the same natural control as all wildlife, and the wolves are part of this control. I have always understood this. Please give the issue of the wild horses and burros your attention. Do not discount these wild animals for exactly the same reasons they are detested by agricultural interests (who think of them as "range maggots"). In Defense of Animals is challenging this issue in court. We are fighting for the wild horses and burros on every front. Please consider helping us!

Robert Anderson

I am (was) a good customer of Cabela's until you made me aware of their sponsorship of wolf slaughter. I'm a shooter and supporter of hunting of game species for consumption but I am unalterably opposed to the slaughter of wolves going on in the northern Rockies or anywhere else. I signed the petition to be sent to Cabela's, and forwarded it on to my shooting and non-shooting friends. I also emailed and phoned Cabela's directly to have them immediately remove my name from all catalog databases, and told them clearly why I was doing so, and to cancel my Cabela's Club account as well. Never again will I buy from Cabela's, and I know some of my shooting/hunting buddies who regularly buy from Cabela's will no longer do so either.

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