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November 05, 2008

Good Day at the ole Job

Photo: Dave Fluetsch, Sawtooth National Recreation Area

A promising sight from the field, the Phantom Hill Pack, spotted in the Sawtooth National Forest near Sun Valley, Idaho. These are some of the wolves that would likely have perished without the incredibly successful Wood River project that Defenders sponsored this summer.

"One more thing to watch out for on the road! I stopped for these wolves at about 9:15am last Wednesday."
- Defenders Field Staff Member


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Its great to see and hear that all the great work you are doing for wolves is really working and in great ways. I may not be American but I really do appreciate how hard you have all fought for the safety of these amazing animals.


Could you tell me more about the Wood River project and how this helped save these wolves?

Looks like they could use a safe way to cross the highway, too!!! I've read about some great over and underpasses that places are starting to put in to try to help wildlife cross dangerous roads.

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